"Argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it." - Edward de Bono
What are we, the men of The LLC, if not seekers of the truth? Yes, we have laughed and cavorted over our lunches these past few months, joking and punning through stuffed faces and diet coke stained incisors. And yes, that was Rob Anderson you saw skipping through the loop enjoying the 'out of the office' sunshine. Yet we remain The LLC and we mean business. We neither eat light nor take our eating lightly. We dine in yet take our meals to go in our minds. Food for thought? No. Food is thought. We set out hungry and sixteen restaurants later our stomachs are sated. Only our endless craving to find the loop's best lunch remains unsatisfied. The time has come to uncover the true champion of The Loop Lunch Club's second tour.
This past week The LLC returned to Maxim's Restaurant to conduct a random drawing for our tournament bracket. In the presence of our beautiful waitress, who smiled at me while asking if she should refill my coffee and seemed unsure of whether I said "nyet" or "not yet," we produced the following results:
Soon, once the brotherhood of The Loop Lunch Club completes a digestive hiatus and has taken ample time to cultivate unbiased, objective perspectives, we shall reconvene. We will argue, not to create truth but to reveal it. After all, there is no sweeter lunch than a sandwich of unsalted truth dripping with melted honesty and the juices of justice. Unless of course, that sandwich comes with a side of Chris Hartemayer approved fries.
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