6 Men, 16 Restaurants, and 1 Mission: To find the best lunch spot in downtown Chicago's Loop. We are not food critics and we are not competitive eaters; however, criticism and competition are the essential tenets comprising The Loop Lunch Club’s philosophy. We have a collective appetite for the journey and an incessant craving to find the best of the best. Together, we hope to satisfy our hunger through our quest. To achieve our goal we will audition a new restaurant every week for 16 weeks. At the conclusion of this period a bracket style tournament will be conducted to decide which eatery, café, bistro, diner or grill has what it takes to be The Loop Lunch Club Champion.
Welcome to The LLC
No more indulgent food critics for me! This could possibly be the best writing on the entire internet. I am so "fed up" with the boring drivel the food critic industry in America keeps " "shoving down" our collective throats. I sit here at my computer anxiously awaiting your next review. Keep up the good work.